HBS80353 148 Hobby Boss Tornado IDS #80353

HBS80353 148 Hobby Boss Tornado IDS #80353

HBS80353 148 Hobby Boss Tornado IDS #80353

Kit features recessed rivets and panel lines, well detailed tandem cockpits, radar package face and antenna, separate radome, multipart canopy, separate leading/trailing edge flaps and spoilers, detailed undercarriage and wheel wells, separate speed brakes and thrust reversers, optional position refueling probe, separate rudder, plus extensive stores drop tanks (3 types - total of 5), (4) Mk 82 with BSU-49 bombs, BOZ-100 chaff/flare pod, ECM pod, MW-1 munitions dispenser and (2) AGM-88, (2) AIM-9 and (6) ALARM missiles. Decals and color painting guide for 2 aircraft: Luftwaffe 44+50'Jubil??

(R)umsmaschine' of JaboG32 RAF GR Mk. 1, ZA404, Honington AB Includes stencils, instrument panels, consoles and weapons markings.

HBS80353 148 Hobby Boss Tornado IDS #80353